Checking In with ICCR Alum: Katie Sullivan

Kate Sullivan Exploring Abroad

Former ICCR Intern, Kate Sullivan, shares some insights on her journey toward diplomatic dreams. Before starting my master’s degree at UAlbany’s Rockefeller College, my career goal was to work for the U.S. Department of State in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, or as a Foreign Service Officer. This career goal stems from when I was an intern in …

From Blueberries to Breakthroughs: A Fulbright Scholar’s Tale

Profile Image of Dr. Kim Stote

Kim Stote, PhD, MPH, RDN, CDN is U.S.Department of State’s Exchange Alumni and currently is Dean, School of Nursing and Allied Health at Empire State University. As a Fulbright Scholar and the Research Chair of Nutrisciences and Health for 2016-2017, I had the incredible opportunity to spend the summer and fall at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI). This …

Checking in with ICCR Intern Abroad – Mercedes Wiegel

Candid portrait of Mercedes in Florence, Italy

Encountering difference has been the defining aspect of my study abroad journey thus far. Since arriving in Rome in January, I’ve been fortunate to explore not only the rich culture and history of Italy but also venture into new countries like Denmark, Hungary, and France. As an international student studying in the US, going abroad  for a second time has …

Building Tomorrow’s Leaders: Academic WorldQuest’s Vital Role

Winners of Academic World Quest 2024

In a world that’s constantly evolving and interconnected, the importance of nurturing the leaders of tomorrow cannot be overstated. As educators and students alike seek avenues to develop essential skills and gain global awareness, Academic WorldQuest emerges as a beacon of opportunity. Join us as we explore the vital role of Academic WorldQuest in shaping tomorrow’s leaders and empowering students …

A Global Celebration of African American Arts

African american painting adult human.

Get ready to dive into a world of creativity, inspiration, and empowerment as we celebrate Black History Month and the incredible contributions of African American artists to the global stage. This year’s theme, “African Americans and the Arts,” shines a spotlight on the transformative power of creativity across visual and performing arts, literature, fashion, music, film, and beyond. A Legacy …